As of today, electronics designers who use PCB123 will be able to search for symbols and footprints without ever having to leave their design environment. We’ve collaborated with PCB123 to bring the power of SnapEDA search right inside this free, full-function PCB design software. Designers have traditionally wasted days creating digital models, such as symbols &…
GCT’s catalog of connectors now on SnapEDA!
Today we’re launching Global Connector Technology’s (GCT) catalog of connectors on SnapEDA! GCT is a leading supplier of standard and custom interconnect products. With this new collaboration, designers will be able to drag-and-drop connector libraries into their designs across an extensive 9 product ranges, including USB, SIM card, FFC, modular jack, lighting, DC power jack, and…
New support for Mentor PADS and DX Designer on SnapEDA!
Today we’re launching support for one of the most-used PCB software flows – Mentor Graphics PADS & DXDesigner. Whether building satellites or medical devices, hardware designers spend days creating digital models for each component on their circuit boards, a painful and time-consuming process that hinders product development. With today’s launch, Mentor PADS & DX Designer…
InstaPart Credits Now Available
Based on popular demand, we’ve now added the ability to purchase InstaPart credits. InstaPart is our on-demand service to get any symbol & footprint in 24 hours. Although SnapEDA’s parts library is free, InstaPart provides the ability to request parts that aren’t yet available for download in the library. As we continue to expand our R&D efforts, our mission is…
SnapEDA’s New Issue Reporting System
We’re happy to announce our new issue reporting feature for symbols and footprints. You can now report any issues you find and we’ll be notified immediately. Here’s how it works: On any part page, you’ll notice the new ‘Report’ button under the symbol and footprint. Simply click on it to report an issue.
InstaPart – Build Circuit Boards Faster with Instant Parts
In September, we launched InstaPart, an on-demand service that allows designers to request any symbol & footprint, delivered in under 24 hours. But what exactly is InstaPart and how does it differ from SnapEDA’s free libraries?
Track your favorite electronic components with new private libraries!
You can now create a free, private library of your most-used electronic components on SnapEDA. After creating the library, you can then download all the symbols & PCB footprints as a single library for easy import into your design tool of choice, rather than downloading each part individually. This quick tutorial will show you how to create your…
Easier Ways to Request Symbols & Footprints!
It is now easier than ever to request a symbol & footprint on SnapEDA. We also have two new options that deliver the parts into your inbox within 24 hours so you can focus on design optimization, or even taking on new projects. Let’s explore various options for how to request parts on SnapEDA.
New Symbol and Footprint Filter to Find CAD Models Faster
PCB designers often tell us that they select electronic components for their designs based on whether they can find symbols and footprints for them. To some extent it makes sense: the investment that goes into making CAD models is significant, and can instantly derail progress on a design. Of course, it’s also human nature to prefer the path of…